31 May International Congress SIRTS-HESTAFTA 16/17 october 2015 -Milan
Dear collegues PFTS
I am attaching the Congress’ program and registration form, to let you forward it to all of your contacts who might be interested in it. We would like to point out that the Congress is supported by the European Family Therapy Association.
SIRTS (Italian Society of Systemic Research and Therapy – www.sirts.org) in collaboration with HESTAFTA (Hellenic Systemic Thinking and Family Therapy Association –www.hestafta.org) scientific society with whom has been twined since 2008, coming out of the limited setting of the therapy room, aims to foster a confrontation about the forms of poverty which characterize our times. The contemporary economic crisis emphasizes the disadvantage caused by the precariousness present in families, communities, work organizations, and services regarding cure and training. Starting from Systemic Epistemology, in dialogue with other approaches, the Congress wants to direct its careful glance at the present time, gathering experiences which foster actions of empowerment meant to achieve a greater justice, listening to stories which can restore dignity and reduce vulnerability to illness, valuing interventions in different contexts in a prospective of social responsibility.
Translation english-italian; italian-english
Good bye in EXPO MILAN 2015
Iva Ursini
Congress scientifical and organizational coordinator
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