24 Aug Conference 2015 announcement – World Network of Family and Systemic Therapies
WNFAST Newsletter
August 2014
Hope your year continues well.
Conference 2015 announcement—the collaboration between NZAFT and WNFAST made for an exciting conference in 2014, and we’ve just had confirmation the Ontario Association for Marriage & Family Therapy is going to host the joint WNFAST OAMFT conference in Toronto in October next year. This should be a beautiful time of year to visit Canada. If you’d like to register interest in attending or put forward some ideas, click here.
New on the Website:
- Training Page—some new additions and some important old ones. Remember to email wnfast@wnfast.com with any training you’d like posted and get the word out to our more than 24,000 members.
- Resources Page—Interesting new additions include The Complete Systemic Supervisior: Context, Philosophy, and Pragmatics, edited by Thomas Todd and Cheryl Storm and the new online access version of An Interactive Guide to Family Therapy. Remember, as a WNFAST member, you’re able to promote your resources on the website, so if you have something to share, go to http://wnfast.com/products.html and use the form.
- News Page—Not much new, unfortunately. If you have something you’d like to share, please email us and we’ll get it posted.
Other items:
- Professional Development: Remember that WNFAST members have the opportunity to access an amazing professional development opportunity for a ridiculously low cost (less than $2 per hour of material!)
If you didn’t make it to the joint WNFAST-NZAFT conference (or even if you were there and want to revisit the material), you have an opportunity to view the keynote videos or listen to them as audio recordings. Admittedly, the video quality is not fantastic, so we’ve kept the purchase price extremely low for the video recordings (only US$14.95 for all 8 sessions—Froma Walsh, Frances Steinberg, Audrey Ellenwood & Lars Brok, George Burns, Hugh Clarkson, Edita Ruzgyte, Evangelene Daniela, and John Gathright). The audio quality, however, is excellent and the audio recordings are only US$4.95 for 7 sessions (all of the above except the Ellenwood/Brok session).
I’ve uploaded my keynote on Conducting the Family Symphony to YouTube, where you can watch it at no cost and get a feel for what the video recordings are like (http://youtu.be/orAQBYE2woY to watch).
And then click here to order the video or audio clips online (http://www.nzaft.com/conference.html) . NZAFT can send you a certificate for continuing education credits once you’ve watched or listened to them (details are on the order page or email us for information). Not only is this an inexpensive way to get professional development, the talks were all rated at a level of “excellent to outstanding”, and what’s more, you’ll be supporting our initiative at WNFAST!
Remember, WNFAST is YOUR network. Please let us know what you’d like to see developing or how we can better connect. Email wnfast@wnfast.com with your ideas, stories, news, resources, or comments.
Frances Steinberg, PhD
Communications Coordinator
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